Hi there!
My name is Chemaine Linnie. Nice to meet you! I am owner of Chemaine’s Model Health. How can I help you? Helping where I can, is what I am pleasured to be able to do. Its my gift to share with the world.
I have years of experience in the health and fitness industry, continuously learning, doing case studies, working with clients, and being my own guinea pig. I feel this has all helped make me an expert in my field.
Yes I am a health, fitness and nutrition expert . My background is in biology, fitness and nutritional therapy. I have been in the health industry for 14 years now. I am a lifelong learner, researcher, and biohacker. I help people hack their DNA and optimize their health on many levels – from cellular health, to hormonal health, gut health, sleep and more. Fat loss is my specialty too, as that is where my own journey and training first began. I am also a certified Iridologist, Nutritional therapist, Pilates instructor, Personal trainer, Hair Mineral Analysis consultant, and Molecular Hydrogen Level 3 Professional, to name a few.
Never heard of “Biohacking” or a “Biohacker”? That’s OK, most people have not heard of either, which could also be understood as “do-it-your-self biology”. It is the practice of managing your own biology using medical, nutritional, physical, natural or electronic techniques. Biohacking myself has enabled me to take my learning to another level. Which in turn has helped me deliver the best information and tools to my clients, students, followers, and loved ones.
I am also 100% Irish and immigrated to Canada in January 2014, to follow my dreams and build a better life for my two sons, Dade and Roman. We are all so grateful we made the leap too! Canada has been so kind to us.
I also started my weight loss, fitness and health journey in August 2006, weighing 280 lbs. I was unhappy, insecure, unhealthy, lost, alone and had a new baby to care for. I was sad, oh so sad. I spent many nights crying and hiding away from the world, wearing the same sweat shirt and jog pants day in and day out. The only comfort I got was being alone in my room eating chocolate, burgers and chips. It was a horrible way to live! I knew it needed to change, or myself and my child would never have the life we deserved….. I was on a mission! By March 2008 I was down to 135lbs and well on my way to becoming a personal trainer. As time went on I lost more weight and put on even more muscle. In total I lost 165lbs of body fat and have kept of off ever since. Through my journey, I also found confidence, strength, health, happiness, grew my skills at my craft, and branched out into other areas of fitness, including Pilates which I currently teach out of my home in Airdrie, Alberta.
Since starting my career as a teacher, I have taught many types of classes including boot camps, Pilates, pre & postnatal exercise classes, health seminars and nutrition workshops. I have worked with new moms, and individuals with health issues including cancer, metabolic syndrome, obesity, thyroid, diabetes, depression, cancer and brain injuries. I have run successful online programs, and I am blessed to be able to say that my current online program “The HETA masters guide” is carrying on that success. I love everything I do! It sounds cliché, but I am know for saying “How can I help you?”. I believe I was born to teach, help, support, show kindness, and just “be there” for people on their health journey. I can be very blunt, and I say things exactly how I see them (ask my sister lol), but I will help guide you in understanding the science and information behind moving towards optimum health, fitness and nutrition – as best I can.
If I work with you, I’m totally going to over serve you and be really annoying! I check in with my clients daily, sometimes multiple times a day. And share heaps of content and easily digestible information to benefit you through my Facebook page and groups, Instagram, my podcast (titled Find your model health and available on all platforms), YouTube channel, and on this site with my blog posts. I will happily pass my passion onto you.
I do 60-90 minute consultations with everyone before we start working together. This is essential so I can understand your health history, current health issues, your goals for your health and body, and other lifestyle variables. Also so we can see if we even like each other – we got to be a good fit! But… I must emphasize, I do not offer a magic pill or a quick fix solution! Yes I can help you lose body fat fast and improve your health, but I am looking to work with people who are looking at the long term and are willing to do the work. You need to understand this is a journey, it will take time, consistency, and a willingness to learn.
If you would like to chat, you can schedule your consultation with me here https://chemainesmodelhealth.acuityscheduling.com/
or click on the icon up top right and say Hi!
You can also follow me on Facebook and Instagram, to stay up-to-date with the education I am putting out. And you are very welcome to join my Facebook Biohacking Library group. There is heaps of information in there, and you can use the search bar to search key words like; fasting, fat loss, thyroid, adrenal fatigue, sleep, fatty liver, gallbladder, gut health, kids nutrition, and more! I promise its not a sales group. 🙂
Facebook Biohacking Library group
You can also view all of my success stories and reviews here on my Facebook business page. Click on the photos tab and you will see pictures of all my beautiful success stories, like this one from Denise.
- strength
- understanding
- endurance
- aesthetics
- mobility
- agility
- function
- performance
- recovery
- natural movement
- fat loss
- sleep
- hormones
- gut health
- energy production
- mindset
- overall health optimization!
Much Love!
CNT, CPT, Iridologist, HMAC & MHI professional.
1 Comment
January 7, 2017 at 5:36 pmHi Chemaine,
This is Johncy. We met you on Thursday to chat about personal training.
Have you seen my email? If not please look in the junkbox!