Monthly Archives: July 2024

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Is Serotonin good or bad?

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Is Serotonin good or bad?

Well that is the question, and I think the answer is not what people think. Serotonin does seem to have a dark side that not many people are aware of. Which I believe is an injustice, especially as so many people are struggling with their health, specifically mental health.

Is Serotonin good or bad? I argue its “bad” at high levels and I hope to put forward some of my argument below for you to consider.

Many of us have been led to believe that “boosting” serotonin or having “high” serotonin is a good thing and especially good for our mental health. But what if the contrary is true? What if what we have been told about serotonin is inaccurate or even a lie? It wasn’t until the 1960s that the present doctrine regarding serotonin came into effect and a big part of this was due to pharmaceutical involvement (what’s new!).

It has been well documented and published in the research over the years that serotonin has a dark side. From increasing mental health issues including psychosis and seizures, to increasing inflammation and slowing thyroid function. Serotonin also effects ACTH or Adrenocorticotropic hormone, which is a hormone your pituitary gland releases that triggers your adrenal glands to release cortisol, the “stress hormone.” (I will link several papers to this blog and not to go too deep down the rabbit hole that is serotonin. But if you have any questions, please reach out to me!)

Read more here including how serotonin destroys mental health, increases aggression, and how to reduce serotonin.

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Canada Wildfire smoke 101.

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Canada Wildfire smoke 101 – health support.

Every year in Canada we experience thousands of wildfires, which unfortunately effects many families, putting them out of their homes. And in some cases losing everything. Our prayers and thoughts are with them each year. The Canadian National Fire Database estimates 8000 wildfires a year. 

Of course other parts of the world experience wildfires, but because I live in Alberta Canada, that is primarily where my attention is focused. Regardless this blog is useful to people all across the world who deal with wildfire exposure.

Along with these wildfires comes a ton of smoke and unseen toxic particles in our atmosphere. Many of us feel the effects of this wildfire smoke and recognize that’s what is causing us to experience new or different health symptoms. But also, some people do experience these new or different health symptoms, and don’t connect the dots, that it is in fact the wildfire smoke effecting their body.

Read on here to find out the symptoms you can experience when exposed to wildfire smoke, how the smoke effects our health, and how to support your health. FREE downloadable PDF included.

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Obesity Rate in Canada Statistics

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Obesity Rate in Canada Statistics

I wanted to put together this blog post as we always seem to hear about obesity statistics for the United States, which I agree can be pretty relevant for Canadians, but what are the obesity statistics for Canada specifically?

I had to go through a few different sources and studies. Research suggests that the prevalence of obesity in Canada has increased over the last two decades, which I don’t think is surprising to many. There is not a lot of research on Canadas obesity rates after 2022, but here is what I found.

Obesity rate in Canada statistics;


Read more on the obesity statistics on adolescents and which provinces had the highest percentage of obesity here. 

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Is your body toxic? Including a look at endocrine disruptors and endotoxins.

Category : Uncategorized

Is your body toxic?

Toxic overload or body toxicity is a common occurrence in most people nowadays. We even see evidence of toxicity in high altitudes and in the people who live there. The truth is there is no escaping the toxins in our environment, they are in our water, food, home and work spaces, and even air. Toxins literally fall from the sky, and unbeknownst to many people, they are breathing in toxins in large amounts daily – regardless of how careful you may be with your dietary and lifestyle choices.

Throw in a slow metabolism, which research show us is over 93% of the population, making it harder for your body to detoxify these substances and easier to accumulate. This is a recipe for (health) disaster. Is your body toxic?

Its important to recognize that when we are talking about “toxins” in the body, we are not only referring to herbicides, pesticides, chemicals in our cleaning products etc. But also heavy metals (including but not limited to lead, cadmium and aluminum), PUFAs/polyunsaturated fatty acids and excess estrogen. Along with endocrine disruptors, which are molecules that have estrogen like activities and disrupt the bodies hormonal balance, and endotoxins – more on this below. 

Is your body toxic?

Read the rest of the article here and TAKE MY TOXICITY QUIZ!