Is Serotonin good or bad?

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Is Serotonin good or bad?

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Is Serotonin good or bad?

Well that is the question, and I think the answer is not what people think. Serotonin does seem to have a dark side that not many people are aware of. Which I believe is an injustice, especially as so many people are struggling with their health, specifically mental health.

Is Serotonin good or bad? I argue its “bad” at high levels and I hope to put forward some of my argument below for you to consider.

Many of us have been led to believe that “boosting” serotonin or having “high” serotonin is a good thing and especially good for our mental health. But what if the contrary is true? What if what we have been told about serotonin is inaccurate or even a lie? It wasn’t until the 1960s that the present doctrine regarding serotonin came into effect and a big part of this was due to pharmaceutical involvement (what’s new!).

It has been well documented and published in the research over the years that serotonin has a dark side. From increasing mental health issues including psychosis and seizures, to increasing inflammation and slowing thyroid function. Serotonin also effects ACTH or Adrenocorticotropic hormone, which is a hormone your pituitary gland releases that triggers your adrenal glands to release cortisol, the “stress hormone.” (I will link several papers to this blog and not to go too deep down the rabbit hole that is serotonin. But if you have any questions, please reach out to me!)

Read more here including how serotonin destroys mental health, increases aggression, and how to reduce serotonin.

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