Is “Peach Fuzz” facial hair a sign of high Androgens?
Category : Uncategorized
This came up in conversation recently and thought “hmmm this is interesting, I have always wondered about peach fuzz and I bet others have too”. So here we are, I hope you find this interesting.
What is “Peach Fuzz”?
Peach fuzz refers to the soft, fine, and short hair that grows on the skin, particularly on the face, and resembles the fuzz found on the skin of a peach. It’s most commonly seen in adolescents and young adults, and while it can occur on various areas of the body, it is most noticeable on the cheeks, upper lip, chin, and forehead. Peach fuzz is typically lighter and thinner than coarser body hair and is often barely noticeable, but it can sometimes become more apparent with certain lighting or close-up observation.
What are “Androgens”?
Androgens are a group of hormones that play a key role in the development and maintenance of male characteristics, but they are present in both males and females. They are often referred to as “male hormones,” though they are essential for both sexes. But how do they influence peach fuzz or facial hair??